Friday, January 1, 2010

Most people visit bagel shops at their busiest when servers are pushing out the cream cheese and micro-waved eggs. Retired folks visit well after the morning rush. Bagel servers have moved from a rapid-fire, mindless pace to a slow, intentional speed. Believe me, we senior customers contribute to what would be a frustratingly, torpid service but for the fact that we have nothing else happening. The other day, I was behind an elderly lady who ordered an every other thing bagel (the server understoood she wanted an everything bagel). She insisted that the bagel server carefully remove every litle poppy seed without disturbing the garlic pieces because poppy bits get stuck in her dentures. So, here is an economist from Nigeria, in his former life, wearing disposable see through plastic gloves picking at a bagel for a slightly ditzy septuagenarian. The world is just a little slower and slightly off kilter for retirees.

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